Watch God grow us and hopefully you, too.


Please know, the objective of this website is to spread the Gospel with songs based on biblical scripture. I believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God and the authority for how we should live our lives. Focus is on the song and acting upon God’s message from the song. In addition to the lyrics, the musical arrangement, as well. For example: a moving melody can energize, calm and/or positively motivate people. Music from God is an incentive to direct us to do greater things.

One person can begin a building block effect to the way to Jesus Christ, so we are requesting anyone who is doing an act of service in home, community, online or for the general world, to send your best quality video(s) relating to the featured song, for inclusion on the Music is the Voice of God video stream (similar to TV). No service is too small. It is people working to help others in their communities that make the difference in our world. You don’t need to be financially wealthy or well-known. You are a very important person.

Anyone who sends media to us must own the content of the video and/or be within copyright laws. Sometimes children or other vulnerable people may be part of your media, please be very considerate. Censorship rules/laws must be obeyed.

Occasionally, gifts will be offered to show love. Usually, in the form of a online gift card. You can always give your gift to someone else. Please see the stream, daily message slide, messages or events page.


I believe in God the Father, Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ His only Son, our Lord; conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, who suffered under Pontius Pilot, was crucified, dead, and buried. He descended into hell; the third day He rose again from the dead with all power and glory in the name of Jesus to save our souls. He ascended into heaven and sits on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from there He will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost, a person of the Holy Trinity (Father God, Son God and Holy Spirit/Holy Ghost); He is active up, down and all around. I believe in the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting. Please be encouraged to study the Holy Word/Bible daily, as God commanded, to find out more for yourself.

God loves you. Say it, “God loves me”. “Only God can give me an abundant/full life”. The life that each of us craves. When you believe this, more love will flow through for yourself and others in a healthy way (God’s way). Jesus Christ wants people to know the Gospel of Him because He wants a relationship, and He wants to keep them from going to hell where they would be eternally separated from God. It is the love in my heart, mind and soul that makes me committed and obedient to Him. Praying the same for whoever reads this message.

Music is the Voice of God is a term inspired by El DeBarge, producer, songwriter and five-time Grammy nominee for his Second Chance album. He has hundreds of song credits to his name. He is greatly known for timeless hits with the group DeBarge, such as: All this Love, Love Me in a Special Way and Time Will Reveal. One of his most popular songs as a solo artist is: Love Always. El has participated with Gospel artists such as, Andraé Crouch on the “Lord is my Light”. On this website we will only focus on the songs that God gave us through him.

The term 'inspired by God' implies lyrics that are based on the Holy Word of God. Some songs may convict hearts, like In the Storm, otherwise may lift their spirits like Somebody Loves You. The ultimate goal is that we all (including me) learn more and gain motivation from these songs to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Another person who inspired me to do more service is a man who is like a brother to me, he is V.P. at a premier corporation, yet he works as a volunteer to clean the church he attends, every Saturday. I’m also very grateful to God for relatives and friends who are already helping me out on other projects.

I believe with all my heart that God wants me to develop a website like this. I have another Christian-oriented music streaming website completely finished that had been sitting for years; because I had not taken time to promote it. The horrible tragedy in Newtown invoked a strong sense of urgency in me about spreading the Gospel. However, a person gets fatigued sometimes and time may numb that sense of urgency. I pray to God for strength and courage to continue on in His name, no matter what I’m feeling or life’s circumstances. At the beginning of 2013 , a cousin, who I knew had been living a destructive lifestyle, lost his life. I asked myself did I do enough to lead him to Christ, and the answer is No.

I do some volunteer work occasionally, with a little musical involvement. Another charity project many years in the making, off-line, involves a weekend “fun” educational program for children. This project is quite an undertaking and will take another year or more to get it fully functional. We all have been given 24 hours a day and a choice on how to use it; keeping in mind that rest is a blessing from God and very important.

I’m very excited and pleased to be a servant to God (#1) and my neighbors. I don’t have a title; I don't think I'd be helping anyone by giving my name. In addition, I want to keep clear that this organization is not affiliated with any of the well-known public figures that may be mentioned on either website; The organization, Music is the Voice of God, is not about me. I do hope to earn the regard of a friend; someone who you know will try to help you. Although, I’m not in the entertainment industry; I appreciate inspirational music very, very much and grateful to those who have allowed God to use them to do His work.


Music is the Voice of God appreciates your decision to share your videos on this website and will not intentionally disseminate it to other entities. We do not collect any personal data, except, when necessary, email address for initial password setup for verification and increased security. Respect of privacy is very important to us.


Most popular browsers are acceptable for use of any of the Music is the Voice of God websites. In order to view the media stream, MVG will try to accommodate users of as many hardware and software devices, as possible. For best live streaming quality, please operate on high-speed network systems. Note: Some music video images are created by Soundspectrum's technology. Buttons on the webpage may appear differently on some older model mobile phones; use the phone’s [Enter key] to navigate.

Please do the following to ensure the highest quality functionality: Enable Java Script or Scripting for full functionality, if not already enabled. Please also enable animations and images. Check on your browser’s menu for internet options security to make this change, if needed.

Please allow popups for this website, as needed. Popup features are not included on this About page.

Please refresh or reload your browser (close and reopen) if the stream pauses or replays a previous song, this could be due to reduced speed on the network.


Occasional notifications will be displayed on the Important Messages or Upcoming Events section.


Music is the Voice of God (MVG) is independent and unaffiliated with any artist or organization mentioned on this website. Music royalties are paid according to our ASCAP and BMI non-profit license.

Images and short videos clips are sourced from various YouTube channels, documentaries or Music is the Voice of God for edcuational purposes -- not for commercial use or sale.


You are encouraged to express your thoughts; however, inappropriate language, nudity or any explicit sexual content is censored and will not be accepted in videos/audios or text. Inappropriate text is automatically blocked, as much as possible. Please avoid any appearance of exploitation, especially, the vulnerable. If children (under age 18) or adult mentally-disabled are included in video; provide proof of consent from parents or guardian AND blur/edit-out faces and/or full names. Please be creative in displaying your work to avoid hurting others. Content Administrators can assist in helping to make edits, if necessary. Media cannot contain monetary solicitations, instead; apply for a free multimedia tool to create your own website, if desired.


A translator tool add-on is in consideration and results depend upon requests. Some translation tools are offered through Microsoft Bing, Microsoft Office/Word and Google. Please find one that is best for you. We do try to use graphics in the media stream videos to match the songs, as much as possible and have plans to add captions to more of the songs. Hopefully, this helps anyone who is impaired.